Carnivore 2+
Carnivore 2+
Carnivore2+ represents the flexible and extensible cartridge platform that is currently being developed by RBSC. It will be possible to change the firmware without any hassle, by just uploading it from a card on any MSX computer. No more USB Blaster and wires!
In the beginning there will be 2 different versions of the firmware. Those versions offer 2 different music modules for a user to choose. A user will be able to select either MSX Music or SFG music module as the internal sound card. In addition, both firmware versions have the support for the SN7-based sound card.
Carnivore2+ shares most of the cool features of Carnivore2: Dual-Slot, Dual-PSG, Boot Menu, a selection of various utilities. And it has an SD card slot that many people were missing.
The cartridge comes in a branded box with magnets. Also included is a proprietary MicroSD 32GB card from MAXIOL LTD.